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Image by Claudia Chiavazza

Therapy for Burnout

Are you feeling detached from your job or profession?

Do you notice yourself increasingly cynical about your role at work or home?

Are you feeling tired, unmotivated and dread going to work or fulfilling other responsibilities such as caregiving?

Burnout is a serious condition that can have a detrimental impact on one's physical and psychological health. It can negatively affect one's personal and professional life, and increase one's risk of developing related conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Meditating in Nature

What is Burnout?

Burnout is a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged of chronic stress. It is often characterized by feelings of cynicism and detachment, reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity. Burnout is most commonly associated with workplace stress, especially in high-demand and high-stress jobs such as policing, healthcare, teaching, and social work. However, it can also occur in response to other types of chronic stress, such as caregiving, financial instability, or ongoing personal and family problems.

Symptoms of Burnout include:


  • Physical and emotional exhaustion

  • Cynicism and detachment from one's job or profession

  • Reduced productivity and accomplishment

  • A sense of ineffectiveness and a lack of accomplishment

  • Loss of personal identity and sense of self

  • Increased absenteeism and turnover

  • Negative attitude towards others

  • Irritability

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Lack of motivation, procrastination and apathy

  • Neglect of self care

  • Social isolation and withdrawal

  • Increased substance use or other negative coping such as increased internet use, gaming, or unhealthy eating habits

How Can Therapy for Burnout Help?

Therapy will help you build effective coping strategies to manage stress and improve your resilience so that you can recover from adversity.  We focus on developing skills that will assist in establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries so that you can allocate sufficient time to self-care and replenish lost energy. Therapy will also focus on reducing vulnerability factors and building strong basic wellness routines. 

During the course of treatment, co-occurring conditions such as depression, anxiety, or trauma can be addressed to reduce your vulnerability to burnout. We will also help you develop a plan of action so that you can continue to work or fulfill personal responsibilities in a healthy manner despite the inevitable stress of work

You deserve to feel satisfied, motivated, and energized in the roles you fulfill. Reach out to start your journey toward healing today.

Working Woman

We help you find ways to replenish your energy and return to a state of optimism so that you can find meaning in your work again.

Book a free 15-minute consultation today

Thoughtful Matching

Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start?

Good therapy depends on the connection between you and your therapist. But we know that the beginning of your healing journey can be overwhelming and it is hard to know where to start. That is why we developed a thoughtful matching process. We do our best to simplify the process so that you can just focus on feeling better. 

Get in Touch

797 Princess Street, Suite 309

Kingston, ON

K7L 1G1

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